
Who are we and what is our philosophy?
The family of subscription websites are a division of Special Offers Ltd., a UK limited company (Registration number 3217188) which in June 2005 celebrated 10 years as a specialist marketing and epublishing business.

Special Offers Ltd. is a member of the British-American Business Association, through the Washington DC branch.

David Weston, our CEO, is a marketing consultant     We are members of the British-American Business Association

Our Chief Executive and founder, David Weston, made his name in consumer leisure marketing when he created a brand and grew it to a 17% market share, winning his business a Deloitte & Touche/The Independent "Indy 100" award for reaching the top 1% of mid-sized (£5m to £50m) companies in the UK (across all industries) for sustained sales and profits growth over a five year period. David received the award in 2002 from the UK Government Department of Trade & Industry Minister, Nigel Griffiths MP. David also offers business development and consultancy services - for more information, go to

Quality content
Our entire philosophy as an epublisher is that content is king. Not bells and whistles or gimmicks, but relevant content. And not quantity, but quality of content. We believe that one of the internet's drawbacks is that its capacity is unlimited, so many sites suffer from the tendency to go for the "telephone directory" approach, leaving the reader to waste time editing out the dross. We believe editing is our job as publishers, so that what you find on our sites is all relevant, verified, current and useful.

As publishers, we know that our output will be judged on clarity. We are communicators, so a clear and concise message comes first and waffle, padding and unnecessary jargon only get in the way.

Many "information" sites on the web are in fact a disguised form of advertising, as they are designed by businesses who produce the products the sites are giving information about. Visitors or subscribers to such sites often do not realise that what they take for unbiased advice is actually an underhand sales pitch. will be a genuinely unbiased source of information, because our parent company is an epublishing business whose only objective is providing value for our subscribers. We are 100% independent and have no financial connections with any accountancy or law firm, source of buiness finance, or any other business services business other than the independent consultancy offered by our own directors and associates.

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